Verba volant, scripta manent. How to write an M.A. thesis in Translation Studies
Verba volant, scripta manent. How to write an M.A. thesis in Translation Studies
ISBN E-book
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A5 (140x205)
Paperback with flaps
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The book is aimed at those who want to investigate translation-related problems and write a Master’s thesis that is an academic thesis as part of their second cycle of studies in the European Higher Education Area. This target audience may be enlarged to include Bachelor’s degree students (the first level) for whom certain remarks and chapters in the book will be equally pertinent. The aim of the book is to guide and assist its users at each stage of their research, from identifying an area of interest, through selecting a topic, planning and conducting the research, to submitting their thesis and defending it in a final exam. Students may find it useful for self-study and reference, while teachers and supervisors can use it to enhance their course material.




1. Motivation and academic honesty
 Academia and the institutional environment
 Translation seminars
 Academic supervision – working with your supervisor
 Motivation in choosing an M.A. topic
 Academic honesty

2. English for Academic Purposes 
What is EAP – background information
Understanding academic terminology
Linguistic and textual considerations in academic writing
Presenting an argument
Paragraph and coherence/cohesion
Signalling words
Useful expressions
The use of Latin and other borrowings
Problems with lexical items in Polish-English translation
Abstract writing

3. Translation Studies research
Introduction to research: Polish and English research styles
Disciplinary classification of TS research
Understanding the language of research
TS research characteristics
Types and areas of TS research
Historical research
Basic models of TS research
Research questions and problems
Research methods in TS
Recent developments and new directions

4. Translation Studies resources and background reading
 Primary, secondary and tertiary sources
 Publication form: electronic and print
 Types of TS resources

5. Compiling a bibliography and documenting sources
 Bibliography vs. works cited
 Referencing conventions
 In-text references

6. My M.A. project in Translation Studies – time management and research design
Research projects vs. M.A. dissertations
Temporal dimension – my research in TS is an orderly process
Textual dimension – my M.A. dissertation has a structure and follows a style sheet

7. Quality checks – editing and revision
 Time to revise
 Types of revision and editing (content, structural, stylistic and copy editing)
 Computer aids in copy editing
Typographical errors
Inclusive language
Critical point revision
Correction symbols and proofreaders’ marks
Overview of factors connected with revision
Punctuation and typographical signs
8. Communicating research orally
 Orality, settings and audience
 Important considerations for successful presentations

9. Preparing for an M.A. exam in Translation Studies
 M.A. examinations
Self-help techniques
Question time – thematic areas and sample exam questions in TS

10. Tasks and exercises

Appendix 1: FAQs (Frequently asked questions)
Appendix 2: Frequently used TS abbreviations and acronyms
Appendix 3: Relevant abbreviations in academic writing
Appendix 4: Diploma thesis timetable
Appendix 5: Research proposals and progress reports
Appendix 6: Sample style sheet for M.A. papers in TS
Appendix 7: Sample tables of contents
Appendix 8: Frequently used revision abbreviations and symbols
Appendix 9: Grading systems
Appendix 10: Evaluating research – a review sheet

Translation Studies library

Works cited



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Verba volant, scripta manent. How to write an M.A. thesis in Translation Studies
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