Society of Authors and Publishers of Scientific Papers Universitas
is one of the most important and most valued scientific publishing houses in Poland. It was founded in 1989 by academics of the Jagiellonian University, but it publishes scientific and popular science works as well as academic textbooks by scholars from all over Poland, including the University of Wrocław, the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, University of Warsaw, University of Białystok, University of Szczecin, University of Warmia and Mazury.
Universitas specializes in publishing scientific and popular science books in the field of humanities, with particular emphasis on the history and theory of literature, history, art history, philosophy, language studies, journalism and communication, and the history of photography. Many of them appear as part of publishing series, several of which have already developed their own brand. The most important are: "Horizons of Modernity", "Ars Vetus et Nova", "Horizons of Cinema", "Criticism of the 20th and 21st Century", "Poetry", "History of Life", "History and Politics", "Selected Writings of Stanisław Cata- Mackiewicz", "Modernism in Poland", "Library of borderland literature", "New regionalism in literary research", "Teaching Education of Polish Studies", "History of psychoanalysis in Poland", "Polonica Leguntur", "Projects of comparative studies", "Latin American Studies of the Jagiellonian University ", "Seria Górska" and textbooks for learning Polish as a foreign language.
Due to frequent inquiries about the rules for submitting publishing proposals and cooperation, we publish the following information:
Despite over 100 titles published annually, we provide comprehensive, professional editorial and marketing services for each book.
We guarantee the highest quality editorial development and printing, cover designs by excellent graphic designers, book publications in both paper and e-book versions.
One of our strengths is a well-developed distribution system that allows books to appear throughout Poland. Our offer also reaches the Polish community and Poles abroad. We also offer all help and considerable experience in raising funds for the publication of a book.
Principles of cooperation between the author and the publishing house
1. Rules for submitting publishing proposals
If you are interested in publishing your book at Universitas, please send your proposal to the editorial manager, Jan Sadkiewicz (
a) in the form of a concise outline, including the table of contents, information about the volume of the book in publishing sheets, information about the number of illustrations provided for the book;
or (which shortens the assessment procedure)
b) the entire publication in one word file (do not worry about text formatting distortions that may occur when files are "glued together").
It is worth attaching reviews of the work (in the form of copies or scans) to the proposal, if they have already been prepared. Please do not send heavy (more than a few MB) files containing illustrations by e-mail. At the stage of submitting a publishing proposal, lighter preview files are sufficient, or a link to download the available illustrations. "Heavy" files can also be uploaded to the platform. depending on the volume of the book, from a few/several days to a few weeks. If necessary, we ask the author to send additional information, fragments of the work, or the entire proposed publication. In the event of a positive decision regarding the publication of the book, we prepare a preliminary cost estimate, which is presented to the author of the proposal. Such an estimate includes: royalties, editorial and typographical development, typesetting, proofreading, preparation of an index of names, cover design and printing. Therefore, we kindly ask you to provide in advance information on any other costs or work that should be included in the cost estimate (e.g. costs of reviews, translation of the abstract, preparation of additional indexes, copyrights to the illustrative material, scientific editing, etc.). We also ask for information whether the cost estimate is to be prepared for a specific institution or "for all interested". The following information is necessary to prepare the cost estimate: 1) number of characters with spaces and footnotes. 2) number of illustrations planned for the book: a) broken down into color and black and white; b) specifying how they will be placed in the book (i.e. whether they will be inserted into the text or placed on inserts); Unsolicited materials are not returned by the editors. Persons submitting publishing proposals are asked to annotate them with the annotation: I consent to the processing of my personal data by TAiWPN Universitas with its registered office in Kraków, ul. Sławkowska 17, for the purposes of evaluating a publishing proposal, reviewing process and making a decision regarding publication (in accordance with the Act of August 29, 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data; consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2016, item 922, of 2018 item 138). I have been informed that the above consent may be withdrawn at any time in writing or by e-mail (to the address to which the publishing proposal was sent).
2. Reviewing procedure
TAiWPN Universitas attaches the utmost importance to reliable reviewing of scientific papers. Scientific monographs are sent for review by two specialists in a given scientific discipline, holding at least the degree of doctor habilitated, coming from different academic centers. The Publishing House selects reviewers from among potential reviewers indicated by the Author and indicated by the Editorial Board of the Publishing House. Appropriate agreements are signed with the reviewers, introducing, as one of the requirements, a high standard of reliability and a declaration of no conflict of interest. The deadline for the review and the amount of remuneration are agreed with the reviewer and correspond to the volume of the given work. Each review should bear the date of execution, the reviewer's handwritten signature, and contain the reviewer's unambiguous request regarding the conditions for accepting the work for publication or the reasons for its rejection. A "scientific monograph" should be understood as a reviewed book publication, presenting a specific issue in an original and creative way, having a scientific apparatus. A monograph is also a reviewed translation into Polish of a work important for science or culture, or a translation of such a work published in Polish into another modern language, with a scientific apparatus.
3. Reviewed scientific monographs - information on the scores of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
The TAiWPN Universitas Publishing House is on the list of publishing houses publishing reviewed scientific monographs [item 351].
4. Principles of publication ethics
TAiWPN Universitas applies the highest standards and principles of publication ethics in order to counteract undesirable publishing practices. The point of reference in this regard are the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics). The author (or editor of a collective work) submitting a publishing proposal is obliged to: guarantee full originality of the work; 1. avoid such practices as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, ghostwriting (publishing scientific texts under someone else's name), ghostwriting (omitting persons who contributed to the creation of the work from the list of authors), guest authorship or courtesy authorship (attribution of authorship to persons who did not contribute to create a work); 2. precisely specify the contribution of individual people to the creation of the work. After accepting the work for publication, the above obligations take the form of appropriate provisions of the contract between the publisher and the author. In the event of scientific misconduct, the publishing house documents all its manifestations and informs the relevant entities.
5. Submitting materials for editorial work
If the book is accepted for printing, we ask the Author/Editor of the collective publication to provide the material for work. The material package should include:
a) the final typescript created in accordance with the publisher's guidelines in a digital version in an editable file,
b) a folder with illustrations (each illustration as a separate jpg or tiff file described with a number and title, each illustration should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi with a longer side of 10 cm, compression at least 10); this folder must also contain a numbered list of illustrations with captions (containing under the image thumbnail: title/author/license on which the illustration is made available/institution granting reproduction and other data in accordance with the guidelines of the possible licensor). The purchase of appropriate quality digital reproductions by the Publishing House may involve additional costs (for museums, galleries, etc.), which should be provided for in the submission of the publishing proposal and in the cost estimate. The Publishing House reserves the right to reject illustrations if they have not been sent in accordance with the above guidelines, and in particular if they do not meet the quality requirements (they are not high-resolution files, so-called hi-res, and "weight") in terms of printing.
The files should also include a folder with specialized and unusual fonts introduced by the author (.ttf or .otf font files);
c) completed personal questionnaire (download form here);
d) optional: a proposal for an illustration for the book cover with the consent of the author of the illustration for use;
e) pisemne zgody na publikację ilustracji otrzymane od osób lub instytucji będących właścicielami praw do publikacji*;
f) in the case of collective publications: a list of e-mail and correspondence addresses of the authors of individual texts.
Particular attention should be paid to the refinement of the content and composition of the submitted publication, because after the start of editorial work, it is permissible for the Author to introduce changes not exceeding 1% of the volume of the work.
Suggested layout of materials in a publication submitted to the Publisher (elements listed in bold are obligatory):
- front page
- dedication,
- thanks
- contents
- lists of abbreviations and designations
- introduction/preface
- main text with footnotes
- annexes
- bibliography
- term dictionaries
- indices (blind)
- lists of figures, tables, etc.
- summaries
NOTE: The table of contents sent with the final version of the text for editorial work should include all elements of the planned publication - also those that may not be ready at the stage of submitting the text (e.g. index, abstract in a foreign language, etc.).
6. Materials related to the promotion and distribution of the book
We ask Authors/Editors to prepare and deliver (together with work materials, possibly with a slight delay):
a) notes on the back of the book cover, up to 1-3 paragraphs long (it will also be posted on the publisher's website);
a note can be a fragment of a review and/or a few words about the book; it should be concise (it must fit on the cover), it can even be encapsulated in entries. The use of a review excerpt requires the reviewer's consent;
b) notes about the Author/Editor (we don't always put them on the cover, but such a note should be at least on the website);
Information notes will be edited and finalized by the book editor and marketing department.
7. Technical guidelines for the preparation of materials for the Publishing House
a) printout: double-sided, A4 format (the printout should not be bound, bound, etc.)
b) unified and continuous page numbering (pagination)
c) uniform notation of titles and subtitles in the entire work corresponding to the arrangement in the table of contents
d) text file format: *.rtf, *.doc, *.docx (+ special fonts, introduced by the Author, ttf or otf font files)
e) font: Times New Roman 12 point
f) line spacing: 1.5 lines
g) text and bibliographic footnotes - 10 point font with references in superscript
h) bibliographic notation: traditional preferred, but the most important is consistency in the once adopted notation formula
In collective works, articles should be unified in terms of titles, footnotes, bibliographies, and quotations.
a) file format: *.jpg or *.tiff
b) resolution: min. 300 dpi with the longer side 10 cm, compression min. 10;
c) Figures intended for publication must be of good quality, standardized form and descriptions
d) each illustration should be delivered in the form of a separate file with its name (all files collected in one folder) and printout in the text or on a separate page
8. Publishing process
The publishing process begins after submitting the work and signing a publishing contract between the Author/Editor and the Publishing House. A tax form is attached to the contract, which, after being completed, must also be sent back to the publisher's address - the lack of it will prevent us from sending copyright copies.
The duration of the publishing process depends primarily on the volume of the book, the quality of the prepared material, the scope of work necessary to perform, the type of binding - it usually takes several (4 to 7) months.
The material, together with the contact details of the Author/Scientific Editor, is transferred to the managing editor, who is responsible for the editorial development of the book and all related activities (typesetting, corrections, etc.) up to the printing stage.
Formal and organizational matters (contracts, subsidies, etc.) are dealt with by editor Jan Sadkiewicz (, and matters strictly related to the printing process and technical editor Mr. Piotr Łozowski (
We anticipate one author's correction. It cannot include changes to the layout of the text (moving entire sentences and paragraphs to other places, adding new paragraphs, etc.). Corrections up to 1% of the text volume are allowed. Major changes require the approval of the Universitas editorial office, as they may affect the date and cost of publishing the book. In the case of collective works, the Editor of the volume is responsible for the author's proofreading (including the submission of texts to the Authors. The Publishing House allows for the author's proofreading by the volume's Editor). If the Author/Editor fails to meet the agreed deadline specified in the contract for the return of the author's correction, the Publishing House considers that he/she agrees to publish the work in the form submitted for author's correction without corrections. After the author's proofreading, the text is read again by the publishing proofreader, and the final version will be checked by the managing editor before printing. At the Author's request, the final version is sent to the Author for review and approval before printing.
The format of the book is determined at the stage of preparing the cost estimate. The most commonly used formats at Universitas are B5 and A5.
The index of names is prepared by the publishing house, and then it is presented to the Author/Editor to check the correctness of the surname spelling, complete first names, etc. (but not page numbers). We ask the Author/Editor of the book to prepare an index of terms (if it was provided).
The Publishing House reserves the right to full control over the entire publishing process of the work, including design, typography, type of paper, printing, binding, cover, dust jacket, decoration, method and size of the promotional campaign, sale, distribution and access to specimen copies.
The cover is designed by the publisher. Usually 2-3 projects are prepared, which are presented to the Scientific Author/Editor for approval and possible comments. The final shape of the cover is agreed between the Author/Scientific Editor and the editorial staff of Universitas. In a situation where the Author/Editor intends to present his own suggestions for the cover design, they should be sent no later than together with the materials for editorial work. Providing your own cover design requires the approval of the management of Universitas.
Editorial pages are prepared after the cover design is approved. They include e.g. provisions (regarding, among others, copyrights, co-financing, etc.), the content of which is precisely defined in the contracts signed with the Author/Editor or the co-financing institution. Changes to the content of such provisions are allowed only on the basis of annexes to relevant agreements.
9. Special notes for editors of scientific collective works.
1) On the basis of the principles of cooperation with the publishing house described above, the scientific editor of the volume prepares a detailed instruction for authors, in which he defines the rules for the preparation and submission of the text.
2) All material for the work is provided to the publishing house, in accordance with the rules described above, by the scientific editor. Articles should contain the same components with a uniform layout and nomenclature (this applies in particular to bibliography, footnotes, annexes and abstracts).
3) Each of the authors of the texts included in the publication is obliged to download from the publishing house a template of a relevant statement of consent for the publication of the text, supplement it in the appropriate places with:
a) name and surname;
b) the address (to which a copy of the publication will be sent after publication);
c) the title of the text;
(d) the title of the entire collective publication;
and send it to the publisher's address. This procedure, due to various random circumstances, foreign trips, etc., can take a lot of time, so you do not wait for its completion before starting the editorial process, but the texts of authors who until the indexes are prepared (i.e. before printing, at the end of the editorial process) ) do not return signed statements, they will have to be removed from publication.
4) The scientific editor verifies the texts in terms of their content.
5) During the publishing process, the scientific editor cooperates with the editor who manages the book on behalf of the publishing house, acts as an intermediary in contacts between the authors of the articles and the publishing house.
We thank the Authors for reading the guidelines. In case of any doubts, please contact editor Jan Sadkiewicz:
ul. Sławkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków
tel. (12) 423 26 05
We will be happy to familiarize ourselves with every publishing proposal and answer any questions.
* All fragments of texts, illustrations, figures, diagrams, tables, etc., derived from other works, are protected by copyright. The condition for inclusion in the book of materials protected by copyright is the submission by the Author to the Publishing House of the written consent of the copyright owner.